Plum pit qi refers to an abnormal sensation of something in the back of the throat which can not be swallowed down nor spit up. In modern Chinese medicine, this definition is supplemented by the comment that, upon examination, there are no pathological changes observable in the throat. In Western medicine, this condition is referred to as neurotic esophageal stenosis and globus hystericus.Within contemporary Chinese medicine, this condition is now associated with psychiatry. It frequently occurs in those with depression and/or anxiety disorders.
We are driving to Vegas tomorrow to spend a couple of days with my parents. And other than the typical work issues (dealing with petty rivalry and antagonism of co-workers), I have a very happy, satisfying life. So if I'm depressed as the article suggests, then the cause is completely unknown to me. Well, I'm depressed right now because I couldn't go to yoga today and because I feel like crap right when we are going on a short trip.
From a Western medical point of view, globus hystericus is caused by acid reflux. So why do I have acid reflux? I don't know anyone with a better diet! I don't drink coffee nor alcohol. I don't eat junk food. Recently I went through a two week course of the "triple threat" treatment for h-pylori (which I have had for years): Cirpo, Protonix, Pepto-bismol. About a week or so after getting off of that crap is when this came back. Those stomach acid suppressors seem to do more bad than good.