Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Thirty-Three Weeks Post Op

Too much carrot/beat juice do you think?

I'm beginning to get a tiny bit more feeling back in my chin and on my bottom lip. Just a wisper.

Also, I'm gaining my weight back. I was down to 105, now I'm back up to just over 110.


Bill said...

Mary, you're looking great!

I'm hoping to have my braces off around the six month mark (between Thanksgiving and Christmas). That would be the three year total treatment time (estimated two years) and would be a nice Christmas present :) .

Brandyleigh35 said...

Hey Mary,
That is great news about your chin and lip! Hopefully you will get your feeling back eventually, just takes time. Also you look fabulous! Seriously, so great! You must be really happy with your results huh?


Maggie said...

Mary, it's great you're getting some feelings back in your lip and chin! You look so happy! Just a sweet, kind, genuinely happy face. :)

Mrs. Shanton said...

YOU! Look beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mary,

I just read your blog which was recommended to me by a fellow orthognathic surgery patient. You look absolutely beautiful :) What a great smile!

I, too, check out everyone's bite and while watching TV will say, as I see each person flash across the screen, "overbite... underbite..." whatever the misalignment might be. I just can't help myself.

Take care,

Charleen from NY