Sunday, October 28, 2007

One Year Later--Looking Back

It was a year ago on October 25 that I arrived at UCLA/Santa Monica Hospital and voluntary got onto an operating bed. I remember being quite nervous and afterwards feeling really silly about it. Clearly there was nothing to be nervous about, it was a piece of cake. Part of me thought if I weren't nervous, then something might happen, so better to be nervous.

Looking back now a year later, it all passed too quickly. I feel nostalgic about the days and weeks after the surgery. They were actually really great. Except for the first few days after I came home from the hosptial. I wasn't prepared emotionally for how I would look, like a total freak! Appropriately it was Halloween.

But that soon passed and I basked in the care I received from Jeff. He went shopping and brought home all kinds of soy shakes and made fresh soups everyday. He pretty much indulged my every whim. I remember being pretty hungry for a week or two but I was soon eating mashed potatoes with gravey which went a long way towards making me feel like I was actually eating something.

Finding blogs by other people who had or were having this surgery was a life saver during those first weeks. I spent hours reading other people's blogs and it helped me to feel normal and to know what to expect. I really appreciated that people took the time to write about their experiences as I had no idea what this surgery would entail until after I had it.

There were a lot of ups and downs, like having a splint wired onto the bottom of my mouth. And the hardest part to deal with was and still is the numbness in my bottom lip and chin. I learned to drink with my tongue under the cup or glass. I'm so used to it now, I hardly notice. But it still would be nice to get the feeling back . . .

My orthognathic surgery really was an adventure. And now I am finally moving on to dental implants. I have my consult on Monday.


Tara said...

You will have to let us know how the implants go. I will have to have one too. Your blog has been great! Thanks for all of the help and advice!
~ Tara

Shontelly said...

That year went fast didn't it? A year has already past since I got my braces on and almost a year since the SARPE. Seems like yesterday though.
I really hope you get those feelings back Mary. I can't imagine how that must feel.
Best of luck with those implants!

Jen said...

Good luck on the implants mary.
How many do you need?

Brandyleigh35 said...

Hey Lady!
I totally agree with you, the time really has flown by hasn't it? I can't believe I'm almost 6 months post op! Your blog was really helpful to me, and helped me feel much better about having surgery. I know what you mean by making adjustments for your numb lip. Mine is coming back but I have had to make accomodations also. I find the cup with my top lip and then rest it on my bottom lip. I do hope that eventually it will come back for you though. Even the little bit I have I find annoying.

It is good that you have mostly good memories of your surgery, I'm sure your positive attitude has been an inspiration to others too! Take carer and keep us posted on the implants. I just had my first one done and it really was no big deal (at least the first phase anyway.) You will do great!


Michelle said...

Hi Mary,
Thanks so much for your post and the info. concerning my lips. I do hope my journey will stay as positive as yours has been.
Good luck on the implants, I mean dental implants.
