Friday, November 23, 2007

Cost of Implant Surgery, Implants, Cosmetic Crowns -- Reality Sets In Day after Thanksgiving

Felix post bladder surgery

So on Tuesday I had my consultation with my prosthodontist where we sat down to go over my entire treatment plan. The good news is that he came up with a creative plan that covers three years and he took into account that the first year, 2008, I would also be paying for the implant surgery. And Dr. Shlosberg did exactly what I asked him to and what my last dentist was not able to do, he itemized each expense so I know exactly what its going to cost. Of course, when I saw the total amount, I about fell off the dentist's chair!! I paid the deposit for the first portion which entails the surgery stint (so that Dr. Kaufman knows where to plant the implants), the abutments and 5 provisional implant crowns on the bottom (it will actually be 6 as he thinks I need to have my last wisdom tooth on the bottom pulled), and a night guard.

When I got home, in the mail was my surgery bill for the implant surgery from Dr. Kaufman. Dr. Kaufman is giving me a hefty courtesy discount as a returning patient, but it's still more than the BSSO was. The surgery will include nerve repositioning so that the implants will not actually go through the nerve since my nerve is very close to the top of the bone. We had talked about taking bone from my hip to add bone but that would mean taking it from my hip . . . and I really don't want to have to walk around with a cane!

That all happened Tuesday. On Wednesday we went shopping for Thanksgiving and then had a great Thanksgiving dinner yesterday. I did not even think about the whole thing -- you know, how you talk to yourself and worry and fret. I didn't do any of that.

So this morning (in a food hang-over stupor) I sat down with all the numbers to make a plan. The plain includes using money I have in my savings, putting $10,000 for each the next 3 years into my flex spending account, my dental benefit which is $1,500 a year (that's $4,500 over 3 years so not too bad) and for the remainder taking out an equity loan to be paid off over 5 years. Also, I will have to pay off my one credit card balance and not use the credit card for the next three years. Whew, I think I will be able to swing this so I won't have to worry or talk to myself about it.

Suddenly, the $3,000 we spent for Felix' bladder surgery last week seems like small potatoes.

The implant surgery will be in January. Even though its going to cost an arm and 2 legs, I'm really confident in both my surgeon and the prosthodontist and am happy about getting this all done. Hopefully nothing will go wrong!

Total cost for implants: Too Much Money! Value of new smile: Priceless!

Friday, November 16, 2007

"Bloggers Like Me"

There are so many orthognathic bloggers -- its quite exciting. And they are quite clever -- I borrowed my title from someone who listed their links "Bloggers Like Me."

I keep adding them to my links and then I find more. Its an epidemic! I'm going to try to add them all which could take days and days . . .

Coming home after having your jaw sawed in half and looking like a Macy's balloon is quite the emotional experience, I know. So its quite uplifting to see so many bloggers who are going through this and who can offer support to the one's to follow.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Scan Results--Implants are a Go

The other day when I mentioned to some of my co-workers that I was seeing my surgeon for an implant consultation, I got some funny looks. I guess you have to say "dental implants." Anyway, so I saw my surgeon and after a long chat, we decided that we would go ahead with the lower implants. I can either have the implants without a bone graft from my hip by moving my nerve during the surgery (risky of course) or I can have the bone graft to build up my bone so that he won't have to go through the nerve. My nerve is very close to the surface of the bone.

My surgeon was actually pleased when I told him that I was getting some feeling back in my lower chin area. He didn't really expect it. So he is going to be talking to my new dentist and my orthodontist and in the next few weeks I will get a plan (and of course find out the expense) for how we are going to proceed.

I think its going to be 5 implants on the bottom and 2 on the top, but I will know more in a few weeks.

Yeah, no more partial. I'm so excited!!!!