Saturday, January 26, 2008

Implants are in! And the Macy's Balloon Face is Back!

So my surgery for 5 lower dental implants, nerve repositioning and a tooth extraction took about 5 hours which is longer than my BSSO took! The surgery was performed in the my surgeon's office and everyone was really great. I wasn't nearly as nervous. But I was surprised how awful I felt when I woke. I felt over-anesthetisized, my heart was beating too fast, I felt like I couldn't breath. Fortunately that didn't last too long and then Jeff was there to pick me up.

When I woke up this morning (after not much of a good night's sleep), I was really surprised to look in the mirror and see that I was about as swollen as I was a year ago. Hah, an old familiar face! And back on the old familiar soft chew diet. At least I don't have to contend with braces and rubberbands.


Brandyleigh35 said...

Ohhh...Mary! you poor thing! Man 5 hours, that is a long time! Almost as long as my whole upper, lower, and genio surgery.

You don't look as swollen as you did with your jaw surgery though. It is less for sure! So did they put the implants and abutements in? Or are the actual crowns in also?

I'm getting my crown placed soon and then all that will be left for me is to get my front crown re-done so that it matches my new smile better!

I can't wait to see your implants and smile once you recover from all of this! Take care of yourself, eat well, and get lots of rest!

Kristy Eng said...

wow you have been through so much, but this is the end right, now that this last surgery is done?
Cant wait to see the final results pictures and your gorgeous smile...all the best for a speedy recovery!

allison said...

Hi Mary,

I'm currently awaiting my upper/lower/genio, but am planning on implants after I'm done with braces. My lateral incisors are missing, and I temporarily have Maryland bridges in their place. Just wondering how many steps the procedure has to be done in, how long after braces you had to wait, etc.


Tara said...

Hey Mary, WOW, 5 hours is a long time, but they did a lot. I bet it feels so good to finally have this last surgery done. I can't wait to see how the implants look when they are all done! I get to talk to my surgeon on Feb. 19th to discuss when I will be ready for them. It will probably be at least a few more months since my lower jaw is still healing from the first surgery. Keep us updated, and wishing you a speedy recovery!

Graham said...

Wow, I guess it was the nerve repositioning that made it a rough surgery, did they have to saw though the jaw to do that? Well, at least you have some experience this time and know what to expect. I hope you heal up quickly!

Shontelly said...

Hi Mary! 5 hrs? Good lord. That's long! Bet ya glad to be done with everything. I hope you all the best. Good luck with everything!