Saturday, December 02, 2006

Life After Bilateral Sagittal Split Ramus Osteotomies with Mandibular Advancement and Genioplasty

Going back to yoga the first time after my surgery was probably one of the hardest things I've ever done. I have been doing yoga regularly for almost 2 years so its not that I'm not used to it. After my first class (about 3.5 weeks post surgery) I was shaky and weak. My surgeon told me I could go back to yoga but to take it easy with the down facing poses. Surprisingly I really felt almost no pressure on my face. What was missing was energy, stamina, endurance. I did notice that after the yoga my bottom lip was tingling and burning quite a bit but that hasn't happened again more than otherwise. I did my 7th class last night and its slowly getting easier. So I'm pretty happy about being back at yoga.

I have noticed an increase in aggitation and irritation since the surgery. It actually comes and goes. I'm particularly impatient when I am stuck in traffic (yeah, I live in LA but I hardly ever have to drive far), or when I can't find a parking space, or when I have to wait in a long line at Starbucks for my green tea soy latte. My aggitation and impatience seems to be heightened, out of proportion. I suspect that it may have to do with the benzodiazepines they gave me with the anesthesia. I have a history with tranquilizers -- I used to take them on a regular basis for panic attacks until I developed paradoxical effects. Apparently benzos wear out the nerves that help you stay calm, or something like that. One thing is for sure, I have a heightened sensitivity to everything!

I saw my periodontist today for my first teeth cleaning after the surgery. I really needed it. He said my gums look surprisingly good for all they've been through. My gums and teeth are definitely more sensitive!

My insurance company came through and paid my claims so that's a releif. Even though it was pre-approved, I was still nervous that they maybe wouldn't pay for the genio or that I would have to fight to get the claims paid in a reasonable time frame. So that's one thing I don't have to worry about.

Of course what I do worry about is the numbness in my bottom lip and chin. There is that small chance that its permanent. I hope not but the fear is there in my mind. It feels so wierd to not know where my mouth is. And I am getting used to my new chin, to there being more of it, even though its really slight.

So I guess that life (almost) 6 weeks after Bilateral Sagittal Split Ramus Osteotomies with Mandibular Advancement and Genioplasty is getting back to "normal," whatever that might be.


Anonymous said...

I will be getting this surgery as well, what Insurance did you use if you don't mind me asking. I'm really worrieed that my insurance will refuse.

BHippy said...

thank you so much for this blod post! i keep looking for more information about this recovery.. I do yoga as well its nice to know that i can do back to my yoga just not as soon as id hope.. thanks again

cmacias925 said...

Hi, I just stumbled across your blog. I had the same surgery 2 weeks ago and my surgeons office wouldn't even bill the insurance for the genio. They said no insurance company will pay for it. How did you get yours to pay for it??