Tuesday, April 17, 2007


The braces are coming off on Monday! Yeah!

The bad news is that it will be at least six months before my dentist can proceed with the next phase of my dental work, which will include implants and crowns, because the bones need a chance to heal from the effects of the braces. Darn!

Oh well.


Mrs. Shanton said...

Well? It'll be nice to be metal-free. aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh.... When you find a lost box of wax or rubber bands, you'll be able to toss them in the trash! I'm excited for you!

Brandyleigh35 said...

Hey Mary,
Wow great news! You and I both know that 6 months is going to just whizz by! Especially being braces free! I know it's hard to wait, I will also have to wait at least 8 months after surgery for my implant so I feel your pain! Focus on the positive though! The braces are coming off! wooo hooo!

Maggie said...

Wow! You must be psyched! Get your camera ready and show us a new photo! :)

Tara said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Can't wait until I am at that phase, and can't wait to see your new smile!

Bill said...

Fantastic news! Congratulations :)

57rdi said...


I'm so envious of you being able to get your braces off. Nice to get your second adolescence behind you, no? Plus, think of all the time you'll gain not having to clean them!
