Thursday, April 05, 2007

Whose Blog is it anyway!

Since there really isn't much going with the orthognathic blogfolks, I've been trolling civilian blogs. Wow, there's a whole virtual bloglife-culture out there!

And so many blog tools. Here's an interesting blog tool link I found, oh, and here's another.

I don't know, this could cause me to loose hours and perhaps even days of my life . . .


Bill said...

You're a bad person Mary! Now I'm gonna have to spend the next two weeks off work looking through all the Blog Tool stuff :)

Mrs. Shanton said...

Oh, the blogs. Next thing you know you'll have another one, too. I've lost a lot of sleep trying to catch up with some of my favorite ones. I especially like the ones that make me laugh so hard I have to wipe off my computer screen when I'm done.

Mary said...

Unfortunately I don't have clever little stories to regale people with but I have considered it. Actually, I started a few other blogs but soon lost interest . . . anyway, thanks for your comnments. I had seen that Petit was "dooced" and looked it up in the slang dictionary so its nice to get the whole background. Even how she came up with Dooce is interesting and its true, everyone in LA does say "dude", well, its the Millenium generation, really, Maybe Gen X. I guess its the more current term for "man". But I digress -- I wanted to ask you which other blogs do you read? M