Friday, February 16, 2007

Nostalgia--a bittersweet longing for things, persons, or situations of the past.

It's kind of wierd that with several bloggers just having gone through their surgery, I am experiencing this nostalgia for those first days post surgery. I know realistically I would never want to go through it again, but there were so many new and interesting experiences. Like going to Starbucks for a soy green tea latte (which I was seriously craving) and being completely embarrassed about my monsterous look and inability to speak clearly. And for the first week after the surgery, I seriously regretted doing it and I questioned my motivation and sanity. I rembember having a conversation with a girlfriend who had had a breast augmentation and she told me she felt the same way. But there was also something very special about those days, getting flowers, having Jeff cook yummy soups and being very supportive. And being off from work for two stress-free weeks and just enjoying, as much as I could, napping, watching TV (Oprah) and reading. I guess what I did enjoy was indulging myself, my emotional self, and being okay with it.

But then again, after looking at this photo of about Day 3, which I just came across, I think my nostalgia has now worn off. :-)


Maggie said...

Hahaha, now that's a cool feeling. It is definitely a very unique experience. Now that my worst days are over, I'm really enjoying taking the time off to relax and heal. Watching DVDs, reading, knitting, writing. Usually we're just too busy with our lives for these things.

Tara said...

WOW, you look GREAT!

I really wanted to let you know how useful your blog is to me. I am going to be having LeForte I in a few months, and it's great to hear how other people are handeling it.

I just started a blog of my own. I put a link to yours on there. If you would prefer that I remove it, just let me know. It's just so useful for me that I want others to see it too!

Good luck recovering, and keep up updated!